Thursday, February 20, 2014

For my instructions project, I am going to do it on how to build a computer. Other ideas I had were how to build a V engine, or how to build a house. Comment and tell me what you think is best!


  1. Hello! Sorry I'm having trouble finding your email address. i just wanted to let you know that you were placed in my group for the collaborative project. Just to catch you up to speed our topic is descriptions and definitions. You can find this information in chapter 14 in our book. I group has agreed to read these sections over the weekend. On Tuesday we will discuss who will be presenting what and how are presentation will be organized. As you read please note the things you might want to present to the class. Sorry if some of my sentences seem a little funny I'm having a lot of trouble with my iPad and I'm unable to edit what wrote. Please blog me with any further messages we can exchange email addresses and phone numbers on Tuesday. thank you!
